Expressive Arts as a field has been gaining more attention worldwide especially here in the midwest.
As the desire for more holistic and creative approaches to life's complexities and challenges grow, more and more people are finding the Expressive Arts and seeking more information about this field.
Here we have provided some resources for anyone seeking more information about the field of Expressive Arts.
For information about Expressive Arts in the US and worldwide, check out these organizations.
IEATA- The International Expressive Arts Therapy Association
This organization was founded by pioneers in the field and is maintained by a staff of dedicated volunteers and professionals. Membership has been increasing each year and represents countries around the world! The board approves and reviews applications for the REAT and REACE applicants and offers and international conference every two years.
Article: Expressive Arts Therapy & Complex Mental Health
(this article answers these questions)
Utlizing EXA in Sessions
EXA when treating trauma
EXA and grief work
Article: Expressive Arts Therapy by FHE Health
(this article answers these questions)
What is EXA
What are the different types of EXA
Why is EXA beneficial
Article: The Mental Health Benefits of Expressive Art
(this article answers these questions)
Enhances self esteem and confidence
Improves life satisfaction
Increases awareness of feelings and processing complex emotions
Read the article to learn more!